Gemälde 2012

click to enlarge

 Strahlemann am Meer                                                                                                    southern love 2                                                                                                          Strahlefrau am Meer

             Aquanaut   ( not available )                                                                  Galaxonaut ( not available )                                                                    sunset circles ( not available )

        fuego cubano                                                                                 golden composition ( 2009 / unveröffentl.)

Gemälde 2011

click to enlarge

                            summer fountain   ( not available )                                                                               We swing                                                                        Die Rückkehr ( Templer-Motiv / aus geschichtl.Interesse frei erfunden )

Serie  "Verde - Phykos"   I  / II                                                                                                                   Serie   "Azul "  I - III

... nach mehreren Exkursen ... endlich mal wieder "back to the roots"

        southern love         acryl on canvas 100 x 70       ( not available )                                                                                           Farbraster I          acryl on canvas 80 x 60     ( not available )

                                                        coloured inspiration      ( not available )                                                                                                                 archaeo-physical thoughts

    bubbles world  I / II

                                                           fun city  1   / II                                                                                                                              untitled graphic

rainbow man                                                                                     fun world

                             insect life  ( not available )                                                                                                 marine life ( not available )

canto del cisne 2                                                           abstract composition  1/11                                                              dragons of color